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Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists team shana

Shana co-founded the practice over 30 years ago and loves helping and doing good for others. Her personal passion is in matching customers with a pair of glasses they will love as she is forever changing her own!

Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists team shana Michelle

Michelle co-founded the practice over 30 years ago and is committed to changing lives by restoring vision. She loves combining science and fashion, as well as trying on every style of glasses imaginable.

Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists team Deena

Deena has been with the practice for over 16 years and is dedicated to meeting every customer’s requirement. Her personal style is a functional and minimalist aesthetic.

Our support TEAM

Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists team shana lebo

Lebo has been with the practice for over 7 years and is a huge support to the practice. She loves fashion and can find a frame to fit any face!

Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists team Bev

Bev has been with the practice for over 12 years and will always go the extra mile. It is said she could even turn a knife into a fork! Her personal style is understated and simple.

Our Stories

I wonder what else I can see, now that I can see clearly? Read our stories and wonder with us…
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peers and fisher stories
peers and fisher stories