Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists

Vision Drive

Peers and fisher dunkeld west optometrists

Vision Drive

Free eye tests and prescription glasses for school taxi drivers.

Every Thursday morning, Peers and Fisher perform free eye tests and dispense prescription glasses for school taxi drivers at a state-of-the-art facility in Kramerville, Johannesburg.

In July 2021, marking Peers and Fisher’s 30th anniversary, founders Shana and Michelle took the opportunity to give back by establishing their own corporate social responsibility initiative, Vision Drive.

Launched in partnership with the Momba Foundation and Ad Reach, Vision Drive aims to support multiple projects within the optometric realm.

The school taxi drivers that Vision Drive currently supports do not have medical aid; so regular check-ups and glasses are often beyond their means. Such interventions can often be life changing to those with impaired vision.

When you buy a pair of glasses from Peers and Fisher, you are supporting the donation of one pair of glasses to our Vision Drive beneficiaries!

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